POI Pilot connected Update Service
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2€ / Month
(Payment yearly: 24,00 €)
incl. tax
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(Payment yearly: 24,00 €)
incl. tax
Product description:
Verlängerung des POI Pilot connected Update-Service für Europa inkl.
- aktive mobile Blitzer aus der Datenbank von blitzer.de
- aktive mobile Blitzer aus der Datenbank von POIbase
- potenzielle mobile Blitzer aus der Datenbank von POIbase
- stationäre Blitzer aus der Datenbank von POIbase
Product life
You can use the product for 12 months, as well as download product updates at no extra cost.
Device Compatibility
The product is compatible with the following devices:
- POI Pilot connected POI Pilot connected