Camping.Info Camping & pitch POIs
Product description:
The high-quality POI data come from the most popular camping and parking site portals with one of the highest levels of reach in the German-speaking area:
Camping.Info - Stellplatz.Info - Caravanmarkt.Info
The following POI categories are available:

Contact information, prices, details on facilities, equipment and environment * etc. are provided directly by the campsite owner. Star ratings and comments* are provided by the campsite visitors. Camping.Info, however, cares for the content quality of ratings and entries to avoid abuse.
The camping site and pitch POIs come from all over Europe, many of them with photos* and comments*, so that you have the chance to make up your own mind from a wide range of opinions - because not every camping site or camping pitch fits everyone. If you have a different opinion or experience concerning a campsite or camping pitch, please feel free to contact directly.
All POIs can be loaded to your sat nav via POIbase or viewed on the interactive map in POIbase. Having installed the Camping.Info camping guide on your sat nav, you can navigate in a safe and precise way to your selected destination.
*not available on all sat navs
Product life
You can use the product for 12 months, as well as download product updates at no extra cost.
No. of POIs
Country coverage
Device Compatibility
The product is compatible with the following devices:
- Alfa Romeo Alfa Romeo
- ALK Copilot iOS, Copilot Android, Copilot Windows Mobile
- ALPINE NVE-M300P (Compatible down to firmware version: 20.05.2011), Firmaware update...
- ALPINE INE-S900R (ohne SR1), INE-S900R (mit SR1 keine Blitzer)
- ALPINE INA-W910R (Attention! Only compatible for older versions without map data on...
- ALPINE INE-W710/20D,INE-W997D u. X-Serie, INE-F904D, INE-W920R/25R/28R, INA-W910R,...
- ALPINE INE-W920R/25R/28R, INE-W977BT
- ALPINE INA-W910R (1)
- Alpine X-Serie INE-W710D, INE-W997D, X701D-xx, X702D-xx, X801D-U, X802D-U, X901D-xx, X902D-xx
- Alpine X903D X803D-U INE-W720D INE-F904D X903D, X803D-U, INE-W720D, INE-F904D
- AUDI MMI® Navigation plus MMI® touch, im A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,TT,Q2,Q5,Q7,R8, (abhängig...
- AvMap AvMap
- Be-On-Road Be-On-Road (Android, iOS)
- Becker Z-Series, Traffic Assist, Ready, Active, Transit, Professional, Revo, Mamba4...
- Becker Traffic Assist, Ready, Active, Transit, Professional, Revo
- Becker Mamba Becker Mamba4, Becker Mamba4+
- Becker Traffic Assist (Navigon) 7926-7928, 7977, Z101, Z200, Z250
- Blaupunkt TravelPilot 100, 200, 300, 500, 700, TravelPilot 43/53/54/73/74, MotoPilot 43
- Blaupunkt TravelPilot 43/53/54/73/74, TravelPilot 55/65 active, MotoPilot 43
- Blaupunkt TravelPilot 100, TravelPilot 200, TravelPilot 300
- Blaupunkt TravelPilot 500, TravelPilot 700
- Clarion NAX963HD (This device can only be used with speed camera POIs.)
- Clarion NP509
- Clarion NP509, NAX963HD
- Dacia MediaNav MediaNav 1 (Evolution), MediaNav 2 (Evolution), MediaNav 3 (ab MJ2019)
- Destinator 6, 7 (*.dat)
- Dynavin Dynavin
- Eclipse Eclipse
- Falk Navigator (Compatible down to version: 5)
- Falk Navigator 5
- Falk Navigator 6
- Falk Navigator (Compatible down to version: 7), E-, F-, N-, P-, R-, S-, V-, FLEX-,...
- Falk (iGO OEM) NEO 520 (LMU), NEO 620 (LMU), NEO 640 (LMU), NEO 640 Camper
- Fiat Fiat Blue&Me
- Garmin POI-Loader kompatible Navis, Garmin nüvi, Drive, Camper, Dezl-Serie, Kenwood...
- iGO ab iGO 2006 (Harman, MyGuide), iGO 8 (u.a. PDA), iGO 9, OEM-Systeme, Pioneer,...
- iGO 2006 Harman 200/300/500/810, MyGuide 3300
- iGO My way 8 und 9 (Primo) iGO 8 for PDA, iGO 9 (Primo), Pioneer F250, F260, Clarion iGO 8.xx OEM,...
- iGO Primo iGO Primo 9.xiGO Primo 9.x OEMBlaupunkt New York 800, Philadelphia 835
- JVC KW-NX7000E
- Kenwood Kenwood ALL-IN-ONE Navis
- KML (generic) KML (generic)
- KML / CSV / GPX Alle Apps, die KML-, CSV- oder GPX-Dateien importieren können.
- Krämer Automotive KR-G6+ mit RC WIN 6.x
- Land Rover Range Rover Evoque, Freelander
- Magellan Magellan
- MapFactor MapFactor Navigator FREE PC, MapFactor GPS Navigation Android, MapFactor GPS...
- Maptrip Maptrip
- Mazda Mazda
- MEDION GoPal Outdoor
- MEDION GoPal Navigator PNA, GoPal Outdoor
- Mercedes Command Online NTG ab 4.5, MBUX
- Mercedes Garmin Map Pilot Garmin Map Pilot
- Mio Moov M410, M610
- Mio Moov, MiVue, Navman S,F,N, Mio Combo 5107 LM, Mio Spirit 495LM (Beta db)
- Mio / Navman Mio Moov, Navman S,F,N
- Mio Combo 5107 LM Mio Combo 5107 LM
- Mio PC-Software Mio PC-Software
- Mio Spirit 495LM Mio Spirit 495LM (Beta db)
- Navigon MobileNavigator 7.xx
- Navigon MobileNavigator PDA
- Navigon MobileNavigator 8.xx
- Navigon VW maps + more, MobileNavigator 7.xx, MobileNavigator 8.xx
- Navman SmartST 2006
- Nissan Nissan Connect
- NNG iGO Navigation Android Pearl DSR-N 420, iGO Primo NextGen Android
- NNG iGO Navigation App für Android iGO Navigation Android-App
- Opel Opel Touch & Connect
- Opel Navi 600 / 900
- Opel Opel Touch & Connect, Navi 600 / 900
- Pearl NavGear StreetMate DSR-N, Touchlet X2G,SX7, SLX, RSX, RS, GT, MX, VX, TourMate N4, N5/N6
- Pearl NavGear NavGear SLX, NavGear RSX, NavGear RS, NavGear GT, NavGear MX, NavGear VX,...
- Pearl NavGear Android-Autoradio NavGear Android-Autoradio
- Pearl NavGear N-Serie NavGear N5/N6
- Pioneer (NNG OEM) AVIC-F500BT, AVIC-F700BT, AVIC-F710BT, AVIC-F900BT, AVIC-F910BT,...
- POI Pilot connected POI Pilot connected
- POIbase (Windows Phone) POIbase (Windows Phone)
- Porsche PCM CSV-Export für Porsche Portal-Sonderziele
- Renault R-Link
- Route 66 Navigate 7
- Skoda Skoda Columbus, Skoda Columbus 2, Skoda Amundsen (Basierend auf MIB II ab 2015)
- Smart Media-System TomTom System auf SD-Karte
- Snooper Snooper Navis ab Software
- Speedcam.txt Speedcam.txt
- Subaru Legacy 2013 (iGO OEM), Outback 2013 (iGO OEM), Forester 2013 (iGO OEM),...
- Subaru Subaru
- Sygic Sygic Mobile Maps, Krämer RC-WIN 6, Sygic Aura, McGuider
- TomTom GO, ONE, XL, Rider, PDA, MOBILE, Via-Series, Start-Series
- TomTom GO, ONE, XL, Rider, PDA, MOBILE
- TomTom GO Mobile (Android) TomTom GO Mobile (Android)
- TomTom via MyDrive GO 5000-Series, 6000-Series, GO 50,51,60,61, GO Basic, Essential, START...
- TomTom via MyDrive Connect GO 1000-Series, GO 800-Series, VIA 110,120,125,130,135, START 20,25,60...
- Toyota Aygo Connect Multimedia
- Volvo, Land Rover, Kia Volvo RTI Sensus, Range Rover Evoque, Land Rover Freelander, Kia
- VW Discover Pro, Skoda Columbus (as of 2013)
- VW / Skoda / Seat VW RNS 510, VW Discover PRO 1/2, WV Discover Media, Skoda Columbus 1/2, Skoda...
- VW Discover Media & PRO / Skoda Columbus 2 / Skoda Amundsen / Seat Navi System (Plus) Discover Media as of 22/2014 (Golf: as of 22/2015), Discover Pro, Discover...
- VW RNS510 VW RNS510, Skoda Columbus, Compatible down to firmware version: 3xxx,...
- ZENEC Z-N426 Z-N328 Z-E3766 ZENEC Z-N426, ZENEC Z-N328, ZENEC Z-E3766