New POIs from

The world's biggest winter sports portal with ski resort information and tests takes POIbase to the top of the slope…
The base stations and car parks of ski areas are often not easy to find – this is finally a thing of the past!, the leading Internet portal for skiers and snowboarders, operates the world's largest database of ski areas and regions. Access to almost all ski areas in the world has been carefully researched and the POIs specified exactly.

The coverage ranges from the smallest training lifts to the largest ski areas with many base stations and locations. Far more than 3,000 ski areas are included. Use your satnav to find the starting point of each ski area with ease. The POI service costs 9.95 EUR and can be purchased immediately in the shop.

The POIs are listed in both Leisure and Town and travel guides for almost every country and contain information about runs and pistes, contact details and ski pass prices.
Alternatively, you can search for ski areas using the Locality search button in POIbase mobile*, premium add-on software. This search returns pistes in your current vicinity. After selecting the your desired winter sports centre, POI Details* displays further details about opening times, lifts and runs, as well as pictures of the ski area (where available).

Entry to ski areas with the POIs from - use your navigation system to easily find your way to the start of any ski area!

*Displaying additional POI details is only possible with the premium add-on software POIbase mobile (available in the POIbase Shop).