Conditions d'utilisation
Bienvenue chez POIbase !
POIbase est le logiciel d'application additionnel idéal pour les navigateurs mobiles/intégrés, pour les Smartphones et les GPS avertisseurs de radars. Il vous donne accès à la plus grande base de données POI d'Europe ! Emplacement des radars fixes et même mobiles, hauteur des ponts, guide de voyage ou de camping, prix de l'essence actuels, points de retrait de colis, guichets automatiques, pharmacies de garde et bien plus encore.
Veuillez lire nos Conditions d'utilisation avant de les accepter en cliquant sur « OK ».
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1) L'utilisation de la version ordinaire du logiciel POIbase est gratuite !
2) POIbase est une communauté.Nous vous serions très reconnaissants de bien vouloir, vous aussi, participer activement à la communauté en parlant de POIbase autour de vous et en créant de nouveaux POI.
3) POIbase est financé par la vente, dans la boutique POIbase, de POI dits « Premium ». Ce sont des contenus payants vendus par des maisons d'édition ou autres fournisseurs commerciaux. Vous pouvez les acheter et les activer séparément dans notre boutique.
4) Vos données personnelles sont confidentielles. Nous ne les transmettons à personne !
La transparence nous importe beaucoup. Vous trouverez donc ci-dessous le détail de nos conditions d'utilisation, dispositions relatives à la protection des données personnelles et CGV. Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez les télécharger et les imprimer au format PDF !
Passez un très bon moment en utilisant POIbase ! Nous nous tenons à votre entière disposition en cas de questions ou de suggestions.
À très bientôt !
Votre équipe POIbase
Conditions d'utilisation
Terms of Use POIbase PC-App
Last updated: 21.06.2018.
DISCLAIMER: this document is a translation of the POIbase Terms of Use. Only the original German text (Nutzungsbedingungen POIbase PC-App) can be used for legal purposes. Whilst every effort was made to translate the information accurately, POCKETNAVIGATION.DE cannot take responsibility for any errors.
1. Applicability of Terms of Use
2. Purpose and functions of the POIbase software
3. Users
4. Using the POIbase software and its content
5. Legal status of safety and speed camera warning devices
6. No warranty for accuracy of content
7. Restricted liability as regards illegal content
8. Creating content
9. Rights granted and guaranteed by content creators
10. Termination of user agreement
11. Guarantee disclaimer for free content
12. POCKETNAVIGATION.DE liability limitations
13. Terms of use for HERE maps
14. Data protection
15. Final clauses
1. Applicability of Terms of Use
The following Terms of Use apply to all users of the POIbase software which is provided by: GmbH (hereinafter referred to as POCKETNAVIGATION.DE)
Auf den Hähnen 36
56581 Ehlscheid
POIbase consists of the POIbase PC application and the POIbase Mobile application and their technical functions (hereinafter: POIbase software) as well as the contents contained therein, which include functions and services, information, POI databases, routes, navigation voices and further applications for mobile navigation systems.
The Terms of Use are applicable as of the installation of the software, the mandatory user registration and when purchasing paid content. Use under deviating terms is not possible, and terms and conditions proposed by the customer are rejected. POCKETNAVIGATION.DE reserves the right to change the Terms of Use and the Terms and Conditions at any time.
POCKETNAVIGATION.DE will only make changes for just cause, in particular due to new technological developments, changes to jurisdiction, or other reasons of equal gravity.
Users will be informed of any changes two weeks in advance. In case of objection, POCKETNAVIGATION.DE reserves the right to terminate the agreement after one week’s notice and at the earliest on the date from which the new terms are applicable. Continued use of the service after the two-week period constitutes acceptance of any changes.
2. Purpose and functions of the POIbase software
POCKETNAVIGATION.DE provides the POIbase software free of charge, and the software itself provides access to both free and non-free POI databases.
The POI databases contain information and content regarding so-called points of interest (POI’s), or important map locations, which can be displayed on the user’s navigation system and researched after upload. Additionally, users have access to a feature allowing them to upload new POI’s. The databases or individual data sets may contain names and addresses as well as additional information pertinent to their theme, as well as texts, images, videos, audio files and user comments. Besides that, content may contain maps, routes, alternative sat nav voices, skins, apps, and video and audio files. All aforementioned databases, information, content and other elements will hereinafter be referred to as POIbase content. POIbase software and POIbase content may only be used in the context of the Terms of Use, and is restricted to places and services of general interest. The personal rights of concerned parties are to be respected by users, in particular when uploading data. Sensitive personal data, in particular names, addresses, pictures, private views of rooms or objects may only be uploaded or shared via POIbase with the express consent of the parties concerned. Proof of consent must be available (in writing or identifiable writ).
Changes may be made to the sat nav’s system settings, the navigation software’s system settings, or to system files (.ini files etc.) in order to optimise POIbase content, which in turn may void the manufacturer warranty. Hence users are acting at their own risk.
3. Users
Individuals are only authorised to use the POIbase- software and associated services if they abide by the Terms of Use. Registered users must be legal adults, and must be able to provide evidence of this if required.
When registering the software or purchasing products, users are required to accept the Terms of Use as well as any other rules stipulated in the POIbase software via a checkbox. The contractual agreement with a registered user or customer takes effect when POCKETNAVIGATION.DE has accepted the registration and / or the purchase agreement via email and the user has been granted access.
Users are legally obligated to keep their password confidential, and sharing it with third parties is not permitted. If third parties acquire the password by any means, the user is obliged to inform POCKETNAVIGATION.DE immediately and to request a password reset. Users are liable for damages caused by unauthorised use if they are personally responsible for any third parties acquiring their login data.
Users are required to provide accurate personal data and miscellaneous information during registration or when uploading other material. Any changes are to be updated by the user without undue delay, in particular in regard to uploaded material.
4. Using the POIbase software and its content
The right to use the POIbase software and associated content, functions and services (POIbase content), such as uploading or creating POI’s and other content is subject to providing accurate information when required, in particular name and address.
Use of the POIbase software and content is forbidden and unlawful if the registration required by the POIbase software is not performed properly and confirmed by the user.
The software must be used for its intended purpose as stated by the POIbase software and/or POCKETNAVIGATION.DE.
Where applicable, content may be copied to clipboard, streamed or downloaded and used on relevant devices such as sat navs, PC’s, mobile devices, iPhones and so on, and read, heard or displayed in the applicable formats, but only on up to two registered devices belonging to the user.
Other uses, such as unauthorised permanent copies and downloads, as well as providing the content for public use, in particular via downloads or via file-sharing networks, on personal websites, via online communities, social networks and other platforms such as Youtube, facebook, Linkedin, Xing etc., renting the content out or providing access by any other means are strictly forbidden.
When commenting on and assessing other user’s or provider’s POIbase content, for instance in the POIbase community forum, users are required to remain objective and fair. Criticism and discussions within the scope of free speech are permitted, provided the rights and dignity of third parties are preserved. Defamation, insults or slader are forbidden, as is the dissemination of false information concerning companies/individuals and their content.
The user undertakes not to use the POIbase software beyond its intended purpose, and not to manipulate the software, extract data or to use any tools, malware or similar to this end.
The user is liable for any damages and negative consequences caused to POCKETNAVIGATION.DE, its users or third parties due to intentional violations of the Terms of Use or any other violations of the law.
If the user acquires software licensed under GPL 2, POCKETNAVIGATION.DE will provide the user with a machine readable copy of the source code of the GPL-licensed software via a suitable medium and at a price that does not exceed the cost involved in generating and dispatching a physical copy of the source code. The offer is valid at any time and upon request for three years after acquisition.
5. Legal status of safety and speed camera warning devices
The user acknowledges that using speed and safety camera data in combination with navigation systems with integrated warning systems or addon programs such as POIbase Mobile to warn them of mobile or stationary speed cameras is a misdemeanor under German law (and some other European countries). For details see 23 Abs.1b StVO (German Highway Code 23 sect 1b).
On purchase, the buyer commits to using the POIbase software and content legally in Germany, for instance to visualise and display speed or safety cameras before setting off, in route planning mode, to set up acoustic warnings for nursery schools, or to announce other interesting locations that are not restricted in this context by the law. Conversely, it is naturally permitted to use the warning function for speed or safety cameras in countries that allow the use of technical aids to warn of speed monitoring systems. The user is personally responsible for ascertaining the legal status of safety and speed camera warning systems in any country they intend to use them in, and any legal consequences resulting from their use.
6. No warranty for accuracy of content
POCKETNAVIGATION.DE and users that upload or create data are dedicated to providing accurate and up-to-date data.
Nevertheless, mistakes cannot be ruled out and we cannot guarantee the accuracy or up-to-dateness of POIbase content and information.
The accuracy of the conveyed data must therefore be ascertained and in any case, use is always at one’s own risk.
POCKETNAVIGATION.DE rules out personal liability for itself and affiliated content creators in regard to undetected, erroneous or out-of-date content, with the exception of malign intent or negligence.
7. Restricted liability as regards illegal content
POIbase content provided by users for users (text, pictures, audio, video, applications, POI’s etc) is exclusively hosted by POCKETNAVIGATION.DE as third party content. The content is not monitored by POCKETNAVIGATION.DE in regard to legality or injuries to third parties. Hence liability for unlawful content unbeknownst to POCKETNAVIGATION.DE is ruled out. POCKETNAVIGATION.DE is liable for the legality and lawfulness of its own content pursuant to Haftungsklausel Ziff. 13 ( section 13 of the German liability clause). POCKETNAVIGATION.DE distances itself explicitly from content the company did not create itself or monitor, as well as from content that is accessible via links in the POIbase software to other sites and third party offers. Liability for such content is excluded.
8. Creating content
Every user can enhance the POCKETNAVIGATION.DE databases by uploading personal content (POI’s, addresses, companies, texts, pictures, videos, audio files etc), or adding to or editing existing content, provided this is done in adherence with the official purpose of the POIbase software and the official procedure provided is utilised to do so.
POCKETNAVIGATION.DE reserves the right to reject content, to alter it or to remove it, in particular as a result of the data being out-of-date, sensitive, disputed by third parties, or in regard to volume (required storage space), technical functionality or other editorial reasons.
Users will always treat POI’s, service providers or other individuals objectively, fairly and factually when uploading or editing data. Criticism and discussions within the scope of free speech are permitted, provided the rights and dignity of third parties are preserved. Defamation, insults or slader are forbidden, as is the dissemination of false information concerning companies/individuals and their content.
Users will retain a copy or the original version of any data they upload in a safe place. The POIbase software is not to be considered as a backup or external storage opportunity for personal data. Users are obliged to guarantee they will not upload malicious programs such as Trojans or viruses which can negatively impact the functionality of the POIbase software, damage other users or harvest protected data or information, nor will they use the POIbase software for purposes it was not intended for. Users are not permitted to upload sensitive private data to our servers as they are not encrypted.
POCKETNAVIGATION.DE reserves the right to monitor and remove data in breach of the POIbase contract or contested by third parties immediately and at least temporarily until its legality has been ascertained.
9. Rights granted and guaranteed by content creators
Users uploading content grant POCKETNAVIGATION.DE the unconditional temporal, local and factual rights to use all uploaded data, content and information and components thereof (POIbase content), in particular addresses, names, texts, images, videos and audio files. Specifically the following rights are granted:
(a) archiving and database rights, i.e. the right to save the data electronically in GmbH’s technical systems or databases, to make them accessible in a user-friendly manner, to make them available in search processes and thus to access them at any time, to make them available to third parties and/or to enable third parties to access them. This includes the right to technically optimise a user’s original data, to edit the data structure, and to convert them to a marketable, application-neutral and platform-independent format (such as XML). GmbH reserves the right to make use of third party archiving and database rights.
(b) Editing and reproduction rights, i.e. the right to reproduce the data (to copy it), to alter its optical appearance and content in order to make it fit for publishing purposes, and in particular to deactivate or remove links.
c) Synchronisation rights, i.e. the right to combine or link it with other content (such as text, sound, images, films) for the purpose of syndication, and/or to make the data accessible in combination with other content via a parallel search mechanism, as well as adding links to the content or making it available via third party links. Synchronisation rights also include the right to employ advertisements for clients or sponsors in any form (i.e. skyscrapers, popups etc.) when presenting the data and in the vicinity of the placement of said data.
(d) Broadcasting, transfer, online and access rights, i.e. the right to make the (syndicated) data available to the public or individual groups instantly or at a later date, for example via the internet, online services, intranet, on-demand services, mobile networks and platforms, and irrespective of the analogue or digital transferral methods employed (including all methods, especially WAP, I-Mode, GSM, HSCSD, GPRS, EDGE and UMTS and with the use of all known protocols, in particular http, https, ftp, etc.), and including providing either free or non-free access via non-free telephone numbers, transferral (for instance using push and pull strategies), and on demand access for all technical (mobile) reception devices (such as televisions, PC’s, Smartphones, PDA’s, Handhelds, Pocket-PCs, eBooks, Palm Pilots, Jupiter Companions). This applies to all transferral methods (e.g. terrestrial transmitters, cable, satellite, including direct satellites, microwaves, telephone networks, mobile networks, W-LAN). This also includes the right to allow end users to download the content to computers or other devices and/or to print the data out.
If pictures of people are used, the uploader guarantees that they have the permission of the depicted individuals for the uses enumerated above.
The uploader guarantees POCKETNAVIGATION.DE by means of an independent guarantee that they are fully authorised to grant aforementioned rights and that in applying them POCKETNAVIGATION.DE will not infringe upon the rights of any third parties (in particular as regards privacy, copyright, trademark or any other property rights).
As regards these guarantees, the uploader comprehensively indemnifies POCKETNAVIGATION.DE for, from and against any liability to third parties. Additionally, this indemnity includes any legal costs incurred. The uploader is liable for any damages or disadvantages caused to POCKETNAVIGATION.DE, its users or any other injured third parties arising from aforementioned conditions.
10. Termination of user agreement
The user agreement which includes the use of the POIbase software and any free content is open-ended and can be cancelled by the user provided a three-month notice period is given (by sending an email to
POCKETNAVIGATION.DE reserves the right to terminate the agreement without prior notice under certain circumstances.
The following breaches of contract are considered to be important reasons for termination of the agreement if they persist one week after receiving a cease and desist letter, and damages incurred as a result have not been settled:
- The user intentionally provides false information on registration, or when uploading POIbase content, or manipulates existing POIbase content or information with malign intent.
- The user culpably uploads illegal content or content that infringes upon the rights of third parties.
- The user employs POIbase content for purposes not included in the user agreement, in particular by copying data, making it accessible beyond the POIbase platform or using it on devices not included in the contract.
- The user posts comments that are contra bonos mores, obscene or offensive.
The list is not exhaustive.
In the case of contract termination, POCKETNAVIGATION.DE reserves the right to block the user’s access instantly.
The terms of individual paid subscriptions and their termination are defined by the online shop’s Terms of Service. In the case of instant termination of the contract, any paid user services will also be terminated.
11. Guarantee disclaimer for free content
POCKETNAVIGATION.DE refrains from providing any guarantees in regard to the functionality or availability of the free POIbase software or any free POIbase content. Descriptions of functions are not to be considered as promises or guarantees, but rather as service descriptions. POCKETNAVIGATION.DE reserves the right to terminate said services at any point or to make them temporarily unavailable.
POCKETNAVIGATION.DE is not liable for data lost to users as a result of content being altered or deleted after upload, incorrect or incomplete display of content or any other faults, or downtime due to maintenance or for any other reason.
12. POCKETNAVIGATION.DE liability limitations
As a forum or platform service-provider POCKETNAVIGATION.DE has limited liability for unlawful content uploaded or created by users in accordance with § 10 Telemediengesetz (German Telemedia Act). Irrespective of the following restrictions on liability, POCKETNAVIGATION.DE is fully liable for damages caused by intentional or criminally negligent breaches of contract, malice or the Product Liability Act, personal injuries and for guaranteed features. POCKETNAVIGATION.DE is also liable for damages caused by negligent breaches of essential contractual obligations, but only if these damages can be considered to be predictable and typical for the contract. There is no liability for negligent breaches of non-essential contractual obligations. POCKETNAVIGATION.DE is not liable for legal admissibility, consequential damages or indirect damages except when intent or criminal negligence can be established. In any case, liability for negligence is capped at 5,000 EUR. POCKETNAVIGATION.DE is not liable for damages caused by users acting in breach of the Terms of Use or illicit uses. The liability limitations also apply to claims in tort and for vicarious agents or legal representatives.
13. Terms of use for HERE maps
The POIbases software uses HERE Maps (API) provided by HERE Global B.V., Kennedyplein 222-226, 5611 ZT Eindhoven, Netherlands („HERE”). HERE is a web service providing interactive maps that display geographical information visually. Users agree to HERE Maps current Terms of Service which can be found here:
14. Data protection
The data protection terms are contained within the Privacy Statement.
Responsible body: GmbH
Auf den Hähnen 36
56581 Ehlscheid Deutschland
Ansprechpartner: Tobias Bischof
E-Mail Adresse:
15. Final Clauses
If any of the stipulations in these Terms of Use are rendered ineffective, the validity of the other stipulations remains unaffected. In this case, the parties concerned will replace the ineffective stipulation with an effective one which resembles the economic purpose of the original stipulation as much as possible. Changes or supplements to the contract must be made in writing. A waiver of written changes on the part of the parties must also be made in writing.
This contract shall be exclusively subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of the German conflict-of-law, provided there is no conflict with binding statutory consumer protection laws. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for any and all disputes arising from this agreement is Essen, Germany, provided the user is a business person, a legal entity or a special public fund.
Déclaration de protection des données
Privacy Statement POIbase PC app
(Last Updated: 15 May 2018)
Disclaimer: This is a translation from German for information purposes only. While we endeavour to provide as accurate a translation as possible, errors cannot be ruled out and only the original German version is legally binding.
1. Which personal data we collect and contact details
2. Data collected while using the application
3. Data processing on account creation and when using the application
4. Storage of private POI’s (points of interest)
5. Data processing during order placement
6. Getting in touch
7. Live chat software
8. Use of personal data for direct marketing
9. Tools and misc.
10. User rights
11. Duration of personal data retention
1. Which personal data we collect and contact details
1.1 Thank you for choosing our application and for your interest in our product. Below we will explain how your personal data is handled when using our application. Personal data is all data that can be used to identify you.
1.2 The entity responsible for processing data acquired during use of this application in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) is GmbH, Auf den Hähnen 36, 56581 Ehlscheid, Germany, Email:, Phone +49 (0)2634 922271.
As the natural or legal entity, determines the purposes and means of processing personal data, be it independently or in cooperation with others.
1.3 This application uses SSL or TLS encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of personal data and other confidential content (e.g. registration).
2. Data collected while using the application
2.1 If the application is used for information purposes only, i.e. if you are not registered or do not otherwise provide us with information, we only collect data transmitted to our servers via the application to ensure its functionality, and the standard data that is collected when contacting our servers (so-called "server log files"):
It is technically required to collect the following data when the app is used to ensure its functionality:
• The app page visited
• Date and time of access
• Volume of data transmitted in bytes
• Source/link from which the page was accessed
• Device used (automatically detected or manually selected)
• The letter allocated to the selected drive and directory name/s of detected devices
• Operating system used
• App version used
• IP address used (where applicable: in anonymized form)
Processing is carried out in accordance with Art. 6, Sec. 1 (f) EU GDPR on the basis of our justified interest in improving the stability and functionality of the application. The data is not passed on to third parties or used in any other way. However, we reserve the right to review the recorded data retrospectively if there are concrete indications of illegal use.
3. Data processing on account creation and when using the application
In accordance with Art. 6, Sec. 1 (b), EU GDPR, where provided, personal data will continue to be collected and processed for the execution of a contract or when creating a user account. Which data is collected can be deduced from the respective input fields. In addition, the following data may be collected and stored in your user profile:
• Selected or detected devices
• Selected and downloaded content (e.g. POI categories, apps, voices, etc.)
• Settings and filters (e.g. area filters)
• POI data imported or modified by the user (more details under point 4.)
• Hardware and device ID’s of the connected devices
• Date and time of the last visit to the news page
• Language selected
• Partner ID (taken from setup)
• Any activation and voucher codes used
Your user account can be deleted at any time upon written request to the address mentioned above. Data provided previously is stored and used for contract processing.
Following complete processing of the contract or deletion of your customer account, your data is retained solely for tax-related and commercial purposes and deleted once all relevant periods have expired, unless you expressly consent to the further use of your data or unless a legally permitted continued use of the data is required on our part, which will be elaborated upon accordingly below.
4. Storage of private POI’s (points of interest)
An important aspect of this application is the ability to record and edit location-based points ("points of interest", hereinafter referred to as POI’s) which are displayed on the map. POI’s may contain certain data:
• Exact position (mandatory)
• Name / Description
• Contact details (phone number, address, contact person, etc.)
• Opening hours and further specific information about the POI in question, including possibly photos.
This POI data is accessible to and can be viewed by all POIbase users in accordance with our Terms of Use and the purpose of the software. The data provided by the user is thus in no way protected from access by third parties; it is the user's responsibility to only upload publicly accessible data. In addition to general POI’s accessible to all POIbase users, there is also a "private POI" category. Private POI’s cannot be viewed by other POIbase users. When editing or creating private POI’s, the transmission is encrypted, but the data is subsequently stored unencrypted in our servers’ databases. Private POI’s are transferred and stored in accordance with Art. 6, Sec. 1 (b) EU GDPR for contract fulfilment and exclusively upon user-request (via use of the POI import function or creating/editing private POI’s). The data is not passed on or used in any other way. However, we reserve the right to review the recorded data retrospectively, if there are concrete indications of illegal use.
5. Data processing during order placement
5.1 We cooperate with the following service providers to process orders. Their support is required wholly or partially to complete contracts. Certain personal data is transmitted to these service providers pursuant to the information below. Where applicable, personal data will be passed on to the shipping provider commissioned with the delivery of physical goods. When required, payment data will be conveyed to the relevant credit institution. Payment service providers used are detailed below. The legislative basis for transferring said data is Art. 6, Sec. 1 (b) EU GDPR.
5.2 Use of payment service providers
– Paypal
When paying via PayPal, credit card via PayPal, direct debit via PayPal or where applicable "purchase on account" or installments via PayPal, your payment data will be passed on to PayPal (Europe) S.a.r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg (hereinafter “PayPal”) for processing purposes. This is in accordance with Art. 6, Sec. 1 (b) EU GDPR and applies only when it is required for payment processing. PayPal reserves the right to carry out credit checks for the payment methods: credit card via PayPal, direct debit via PayPal or - where applicable - "purchase on account" or installments via PayPal. In this case, your payment data may be passed on to credit agencies on the basis of PayPal's legitimate interest in determining your solvency pursuant to Art. 6, Sec. 1 (f) EU GDPR. PayPal will decide whether to provide the payment method in question based on the result of the credit check and the statistical probability of non-payment derived therefrom. The credit report may contain probability values (so-called score values). If score values are included in the result of the credit report, they are based on a scientifically recognized mathematical-statistical method. This may include, but is not limited to, address data. For further information on Paypal’s data protection, including the credit agencies used, please refer to PayPal's data protection declaration:
You may object to PayPal processing your data at any time by sending them a message directly. However, PayPal may still be entitled to process your personal data if this is necessary for contractual payment processing.
- ipayment
Where the options "direct debit via ipayment" and / or "credit card via ipayment" are available and selected, your personal data will be passed on to 1&1 Internet AG, Elgendorfer Str. 57, 56410 Montabaur (hereinafter: "1&1"), in accordance with Art. 6, Sec. 1 (b) GDPR, for the purpose of payment processing, where applicable. More information can be found in 1&1’s Privacy Policy at:
6. Getting in touch
If you decide to contact us (for instance via an online contact form or per email), personal data will be collected. Which data is collected can be deduced from the available fields if a form is provided, or the automatically generated email. This data is saved exclusively for the purpose of answering any questions posed and for the technical administration required to do so. The legal basis for processing this data is our interest in answering the questions posed in accordance with Art. 6, Sec. 1 (f) EU GDPR. If the purpose of establishing contact is the conclusion of a contract, the additional legislative basis for processing your information is in accordance with Art. 6, Sec. 1 (b) GDPR. Your data will be deleted once your request has been processed, assuming the matter was solved conclusively and there is no legal basis to retain the data.
7. Live chat software
This website uses a live chat system provided by LiveZilla GmbH, Byk-GuldenStraße 22, 78224 Singen (, which collects and saves anonymous data for web analysis and to provide a functional live chat system. An alias may be used to create user profiles using this data. Assuming the data includes personal information, it is processed in accordance with Art. 6, Sec. 1 (f) EU GDPR on the basis of our legitimate interest in effective customer support and the statistical analysis of user behaviour for optimisation purposes. Data collected via LiveZilla technologies is not used to identify the user personally without their express consent, and is not merged with the alias bearer’s personal data. You can object to the process of collecting and saving data in order to create a pseudonymous user profile with future effect at any time by sending an email to the address in the “About us” section of the website.
8. Use of personal data for direct marketing
If you provided us with your email address during the order process, we reserve the right to inform you of special offers for subscription extensions or products similar to the ones you already ordered by email. In accordance with § 7 sec. 3 UWG (German Unfair Competition Act, section on unreasonable nuisance), we do not require special permission for this. The data is processed exclusively on the basis of our legitimate interest in personalised direct marketing in accordance with Art. 6, Sec. 1 (f) GDPR. If you initially excluded your email address from being used for this purpose, you will not receive any such emails. You reserve the right to object to your email address being used for the reasons specified above with future effect by informing the responsible entity mentioned at the beginning. This will only incur the costs involved in transmitting the request at the basic rates. Your email address will not be used for advertising purposes effective immediately upon receipt of the objection.
9. Tools and Misc.
9.1 HERE
Our application uses HERE Maps (API) provided by HERE Global B.V., Kennedyplein 222-226, 5611 ZT Eindhoven, Netherlands („HERE”). HERE is a web service providing interactive maps that display geographical information visually. This service provides a map as well as all relevant map data, a route-planner and other map-related functions such as a location search. Even when accessing sub-pages that are connected to the HERE maps, information regarding your app use (such as the IP address) is sent to and recorded on HERE servers. The map is an essential part of our application and passing this data on, is in accordance with Art. 6, Sec. 1 (f) GDPR on the basis of legitimate interest. HERE’s privacy policy is available here:
9.2 Use of Youtube videos
We use the YouTube embedding function to display and play videos hosted by Youtube, which belongs to Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). The extended data protection mode is employed, which according to the provider means that user data is only collected if a user interacts with the video interface. In this case, Youtube cookies are employed to collect data about user behaviour. According to Youtube, this data is used to record video statistics, to improve the user experience and to prevent abuse. If you are logged into Google, any data will be allocated to your account on activating a video. If you do not want your activity to be associated with your YouTube user profile, you should log out beforehand. Google saves your data irrespective of whether you are logged in or not, in the form of usage profiles, and analyses them. This analysis is performed in accordance with Art. 6, Sec. 1 (f) EU GDPR on the basis of legitimate interest on the part of Google as regards implementing personalised advertising, market research and/or improving the design of their user interface in line with customer behaviour. You have the right to object to the generation of user profiles, but you have to contact YouTube to make use of it.
Irrespective of playback of embedded videos, accessing the website instigates a connection to the Google DoubleClick network, which may involve further data processing beyond our control. Google LLC based in USA is certified by the US-European privacy agreement Privacy Shield, which guarantees adherence to EU data protection regulations. More information can be found in Google’s Privacy Policy under:
10. User rights
10.1. The effective data protection legislation guarantees individuals extensive access and intervention rights upon which we will elaborate below:
– Right of access in accordance with Art. 15 EU GDPR: In particular, you have the right to information as regards which personal data is processed and for what purpose, the categories of the processed data, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data was or is conveyed, the intended duration of the data retention and the criteria used to determine the duration of the data retention, the existence of the rights of rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, objection to processing, complaints to a regulatory authority, the origin of any data not collected by us, the existence of automated decision-making including profiling and, where applicable, detailed information on the logic involved and extent to which you were or are affected, as well as the intended goal, and your right to information as regards any guarantees if data is transferred to third countries in accordance with Art. 46 EU GDPR;
– Right to Rectification in accordance with Art. 16 EU GDPR: You have the right to demand inaccurate personal data be corrected, or missing data completed without undue delay;
– Right to deletion in accordance with Art. 17 EU GDPR: Assuming the conditions of Art. 17 sec. 1 EU GDPR apply, you have the right to demand deletion of your personal data. This right does not apply when processing is required in the name of exercising the right of freedom of expression and information, when it is legally required, when it is in the public interest or when it is required for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;
– Right to restriction of processing in accordance with Art. 18 EU GDPR: you have the right to request restricted processing of your personal data, provided the accuracy of the contested data is verified, if the deletion of unlawful data is rejected and restricted data processing is requested instead, if the data is required on your part for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims after it has fulfilled its purpose for us, or if you have objected to processing on grounds related to your specific situation, and provided our legitimate interests have not yet been ruled to override yours;
– Notification obligation in accordance with Art. 19 EU GDPR: assuming you have exercised your rights to have your data corrected, deleted or restricted, we are obliged to inform any recipient of said data, unless this proves to be impossible or the procedure required to do so is considered disproportionate. You retain the right to be informed who said recipients are.
– Right to data portability in accordance with Art. 20 EU GDPR: you have the right to request any personal data we acquired from you in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format for yourself or a responsible third party, provided this is technically possible.
– The right to withdraw consent as defined by Art. 7, Sec. 3 EU GDPR: you have the right to withdraw any consent given to process your data with future effect at any time. In this case we will delete the data in question immediately, provided there is no legal basis to retain it irrespective of consent. Withdrawal of consent will not affect the legality of consensual processing prior to withdrawal.
– Right to complaint in accordance with Art. 77 EU GDPR: You have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority, without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy. The complaint can be lodged in the member state of your residence or workplace, or the place where the breach has occurred, assuming you believe the processing of your personal data is in breach of EU GDPR.
11. Duration of personal data retention
The period for which personal data is retained depends upon the law (for example, periods required by tax or commercial laws). Once this period has expired, the data will be deleted automatically, provided it is no longer required for contractual purposes, to initiate prospective contracts, and/or that there is no legitimate interest on our part to retain the data.